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Archive for the ‘Dumb Bitch of the Week’ Category

DUMB BITCH OF THE WEEK: Sandra Rose is a hedious COON!


And this is why. First off the bitch is clearly color struck. She has lots of negative things to say about swirling. I guess she’s jealous because she is a black as the heart of an ex-wife. We notice she always comes for light skinned artist and has nothing to say be negative things. She came for Chris Brown before he broke his foot in ole girl ass only because she don’t like light skinned people. And for her to be a big ole Dyke, you would think she would have more respect for the LGBT community. She sure as hell not helping the black community, and as a woman, i feel she makes us look bad as well. She is an absolute grease coon. She don’t even keep her hair together walking around this pitch looking Esther Rolle after a tummy tuck and a quick weave. Bossip you will never be. So here’s to you!

Coonie Award for Dumbest Coon Female goes to… THIS BITCH

Ok this is why there are so many race relation issues. Hoes like you. Imma dub you The McDonalds Ho. After a white lady who was with her 3 prepubecent children asked her to tone down her cursing she goes off. Yes bitch i realize we in America, but the rights are Freedom of Speech, not Freedom To Be A Coon. And of course, when a coon is told by a white person anything, they jumped to the race card. So the Coonie For Dumbest Coon Female goes to you. Thank you for help putting the black movement 20 years backwards. YOU GET THE COONIE AWARD!


Dumb Bitch of The Week: Lyfe Jennings

DAM... u got that ass beat!

Girl you just got released from the slammer in 04 and now you right back to the BS? Girrol is you stupid? Clearly you are, most of us know Lyfe for his soulful songs like “Stick Up Kid” and “It Must be Nice” but he finna be known by his inmate number. Lyfe has been sentenced to 3.5 years in prison for layin the smacketh down on his baby mama. Not only did he do that, but he also discharged a few rounds in the house. He did all this foolishness in Georgia where they look a nigga up for j-walking. I don’t know who your lawyer was, but they should be fired and you should be slapped. On Twitter he said good bye to his fans that supported his career since his release. Well its over girl, your 37 right now, by the time you get out you will be almost 41. Coons like you don’t learn, they needs to put you up under the jail…. NEXT!!!!!

Dumb Bitch of the Week: Racist Demonic Bitch Gets Slayed on air!

People we must understand hate and what it really looks like. We may gossip on celebrities, but this is true hate speech. This crazy, lop-sided wet and wavy weave rocking waych had the nerve to take her ass on tv and spout her hate. Watch as the newscaster slay her to the gods! I am sure god is proud of you. Jesus take the wheel, and drive that crazy bitch to a salon!

Dumb Bitch of the Week: DL Man Lover

Miss Tasheeba

Miss Tashina from Phoenix AZ is a dumb bitch? Why? Because she thinks her raglee ass pussy is going to keep her gay Babydaddy in her life. It’s a true shame when bitches gotta beg for gay dick. Have all the straight niggas left the building? Where have all the cowboys gone? Atlanta prolly to find other cowboys to fuck. Though I love the gay community I don’t wanna be fucking them, no ma’am pam. I needs me some thug dick. I needs me a nigga who goin give me the business. Besides the fact the nigga is gay he a criminal, stealing from Radioshack and what not. Girl and his dick is 4 inches! We gotta do better in 2011. No mo foolishness. And ladies. Don’t let this be you!!!

Her DL loveboat... John... ugh