Release The H8ter in You…

Archive for October 6, 2010

Marcus Patrick… LIVE ON H8TERADE RADIO!!!!!!!

Only on H8terade Radio!

The announcement that you have all been waiting for… Actor, Singer, Model, Living Sexiness Marcus Patrick will be on H8terade Radio!!!! Cue the whistles, bells, and confetti. Here @ H8terade Radio, we like to show the lesser-blogs how to do it.


Stay tuned for more info

Thank you media fake out

It has been brought to my attention that mediafakeout has been stealing our stories. We’ll spill the tea and like crack heads in the motherfuckin night they post their shit, 24 hours too late. So Mediafakeout, I’m glad you’re coming to my lil blog to take our tea. And for yall to forever talk about “make sure you credit mediatakeout” have yall hoes ever credited us? You steal my shit daily. But its all good. The public is catching up, and soon mediafakeout, you’ll be closed for business.

Sleezy Z trying to touch Monicas Tittys :O

As Can be seen above Sleezy-Z a little close to monicas Nipples?

Now h8terade knows Beyonce isnt lacking in that department but is it me?or Jiggah look a little depressed he looks like a gay black fertility statute with a lazy eye =( I guess Beyonce not giving him ass or punnani pie is upsetting him, he seems a little DESPERATE to say the least..

BEYONCE girral please give him a ticket to your coochie shop

In other news Monica looks Croote, but standing next to the hiphop hood version of shrek im not sure how that does..

I think ms Carter, Needs her CARTA looked @


Usher Covers Oct/Nov Issue of Vibe

Interview With Vibe Magazine:

On Raymond V Raymond being a career rebound
“I don’t think it was a rebound at all. Some people in my organization felt like it was a rebound, but for me it was business as usual. Were there hard times in the process? Absolutely. I think it was the first time that doubt was ever amongst the opinions. Like, Can he do it again? Is it possible that this can happen? When you have 15 years of a legacy built, it shouldn’t be questionable with one album.”

On how long he was thinking about divorcing Tameka
“During our disagreements, that’s when I really began to contemplate marriage and if this is someone whom I’m compatible with. Anytime we had a disagreement or an argument, I began to contemplate: Wow, is this really gonna work out? I’m going through hell right now, given the fact that people have an opinion about our relationship. I can’t be unhappy at home and fighting the wars or the opinions outside… ‘You should’ve handled things this way,’ ‘I wish you would’ve said this,’ ‘You’re handling me wrong,’ ‘I don’t like the way I’m feeling about this’—it could be anything, man.”

On supporting younger acts
“There is no competition. I think that the artists that are doing great, they definitely need to have the support of the people that have [paved the road]. And that’s why I support Chris. I support Trey Songz. I support the Sammies of the world. I support the Lloyds of the world. Because this is a dying industry. This next tour represents a standard that has to be set for entertainment.”

H8terade loves the military look on Usher, Less of the stubble/peppercornbeard =(

Miss Amare Stoudomire Has A Vagina!

Miss Girl...

Another myth dispelled… NBA doesnt stand Niggas Beat Asses like wit Miss Artest. But Miss Stoudomire, yo dick must be just nonexistent girl. Did the bitch it slide inside out…. You got a cat now girl… Make sure you duece that bad boy out miss girl. But yall know the queen like big ass dicks. but help me the fuck out….. his dick does have to be super small to take this pic.. And shave them chapped ass legs!


What She Smoking? Drake Smoking a joint!


MISS GIRL…. The Tea i got on miss Drake just thickens. If you ever thought Miss Drake was a flop this is the evidence. He trying so hard to be a str8 black man, and he keep failing like a gay half-breed fool. She went back to the 90’s and whipped out her a joint… Miss girl! Where is yo 40 oz. Mad Dog 20/20. Drake… FAIL!